Billy Dilley's Super-Duper Subterranean Summer

Billy Dilley's Super-Duper Subterranean Summer(2017)

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Billy Dilley's Super-Duper Subterranean Summer剧情内容介绍

Billy Dilley's Super-Duper Subterranean Summer原名:Billy Dilley's Super-Duper Subterranean Summer,

The show follows the adventures of Billy Dilley, a 7th grader who loves science, and his lab partners, Zeke and Marsha, who on summer vacation find themselves trapped in a strange world located in the Earth's core.

发布于2017年。由Aaron Springer执导,并且由编剧Aaron Springer携幕后团队创作。集众多位汤姆·肯尼、詹姆斯·阿诺德·泰勒、凯文·迈克尔·理查德森、Aaron Springer、Catherine Wayne等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2017-06-03(美国)公映的动画。


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